October 21, 2008


Emergency RED ALERT.

A new game is gonna launch soon. It's RED ALERT 3 !!!!. Can't wait to play it. Already pre-ordered the game and will launch next week on tuesday.

October 13, 2008


I feel like im gonna do this.
I feel like it is really going to happen
I feel that it will be wasted if I let go of it
I feel that the era hasn't reach even it's long started
I feel that the time will come to me

I don't want this to happen so fast
I don't want to lose them all
I don't want them to know
I don't want to let them down
I don't want all of this to happen

I hope that they will undertand me
I hope my decision is right
I hope I can tune it again
I hope they don't forget me
I hope I won't regret this.

Don't ask me what I'm going through. I hope the time won't come yet but the time is reaching to me so fast. It's too soon for it.

October 4, 2008

Thank you for the week

It's been 4 days of Hari raya and I have to say that it isn't what I expected how it turned up to be. It was a painful raya for me for the first time. I had stomach ache from the 1st day of raya until today which Im feeling a bit better right now. Thank 'Allah' that the suffer has ended throught a painful way that I had to faced up. My mom gave me this drink so that I could "shit-out" everything from my stomach. It took like 4 hours cirit-birit and go in and out to the toilet many times. But now Im feeling better which i kesian myself that I had to go school next week.

Oh well not many will come for this month due to PMR examination. October is also considered a 1 month studying month. No more games and fool around *maybe a little will do.

Today I went to Nisa's house for her open house. It's time for the review summary XD.

1.Her appearence was HOT. (how can I say ugly to a girl)
2.Guest was moderate but not many people.
3.Food was GREAT, the kuih raya was DELICIOUS. ( thought i dun eat much coz my tummy still hurts)
4.Entertainment ex: television wasn't quite enjoying
5.Her house was like errmm.... can't describe it how it looks like.

That's all I have to say coz didn't get to explore the house. It turns out it was her baby sister's birthday. Can't remember what's her name. Sorry for that if you read this Nisa. Her sister was really really cute and the way she laught was like totally 100% baby laught like in the commercials. KAWAI!!!! She owns a lot of cats which are cool. Can't really say dislike them but I do really love cats. Kinda bit jealous seeing her bf with her. But i tried to get over it. What pass is the past and shall move on.

Well my house might be having an open house. Not sure when but have to discuss with my brother.