February 24, 2009

Sporting Joy

It was so awesome playing futsal again with the KRR staff on Friday night. And yet we played again in a match againts Time Square KRR Staff and we beat them like too easy.

Anybody up for a futsal???

On 20-22 Feb, M-yo had a SPEED Challenge at OU. The special guest are Mark Mcbride, Takeshi Kamisato, and Hank Freeman and all 3 of them are from Duncan Crew USA and they are touring around the world in conjuction with Duncan 80th Anniversarry. They were so awesome and cool and it was so sad to say goodbye to them on the last day. I'll miss you guys and i'll hope we can meet again. Also not to forget Fajar from Singapore, althought we didn't hang out much but it was awesome doing performance with you. baju TOS aku mana weyh!!!

It seems that JERRARD LEONG did'nt come. How sad he turned me down again.


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